DIY Baby Wipes

After switching from disposables to CDing I wanted to do something about those super-costly baby wipes..
I always wanted something more skin-friendly,economical and ofcourse easy-to-make! After using only disposable wipes with my first-born I decided on saving atleast with baby #2 and also i didn’t want to expose my lil one to God-knows-what chemicals!!
Moreover wipes that can be tossed right into the wet bag with the diapers make way more sense than little poopy cloths than need to be carted to the outdoor garbage tin.

Firstly the fabric that you’ll be using is to be decided like flannel,fleece,cotton or whatever scrap fabric is available to you.I used old cotton fabric that would not harm my baby’s skin.I cut 4×8 size fabric and store it in a container(No,wipes dont come in containers here in India,I had to use some random storage box)


I made my own wipes solution without adding any ingredient that I wasn’t sure of..just in case my baby is allergic!

Simple and basis recipe for wipe solution:

1/2 cup of baby oil
1/2 cup of baby wash
2 cups of water

Mixed all the ingredients in a container and transferred in to a spray bottle.I spritz it on the cloth rather than on baby’s skin before using it on her bottom! You could also use it on her hands and face!
I like this so much better than those expensive disposable wipes. It works better, smells great, and I can also avoid the whole wasted-pack-of-disposable-wipes-because-they-were-left-open-and-dried-out problem. Added to it is the fact that it saves money and is also better for the environment!


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