Marker Mug!!


This last week I sat down to think if I had actually done any post about the Husband, the most integral person of the House!! Out of all those DIYs and other super-cute stuff that I’ve made so far.. have I made anything of him?? Hmm..NO actually and the poor guy never actually complains!!

So I thought it’s time I make something for him and so after a lot of research I settled with this idea which is cute, simple and less time-consuming! He obviously wouldn’t want to see me let the kids cry in hunger while I’m busy doing this!! LOL

SoΒ here’s from where I copied it!Β  OH!! Yes I did!! Even the text, cos I just fell in love with it the moment I saw it. Plus the Husband actually loves strongΒ COFFEE. Bonus! πŸ˜€

But I wanted it a li’l bit organised as it was my first-time. So that’s how it looked!! ☝☝☝☝☝

I also added these extra details on to the sides of the mug!! So it doesn’t look dull.


And that’s where the wavy dotted pattern ends!! πŸ˜€


Isn’t that really cute??

Anyways, I’m not sure if the ink stays on forever like for an year or so. And also I’ve not baked it either, was just too scared of scattering it into pieces!! So may I’ll get it enamel coated before using it.

Quick Tip:

  • Avoid placing it in the dish-washer ( I don’t have any idea how it works with it cos I don’t have a dishwasher)
  • If you want to bake it then let the ink(text) dry for 48 hours at least before placing it in the oven. Then bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. (I skipped this step).

Liked it?? Now make it one yourself and surprise people around you!! Β It’s magical!! πŸ˜€


Photo Credits: Β ME!! obviously!! πŸ˜‰

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