Mothercare Disposable Breast pads Review


With motherhood comes many things, both good and bad and no mom does really complain about any thing in particular. She may only count all the ‘great’ things she’s blessed with. But being able to produce milk for that little human right after it’s born is probably the most huge blessing for a mother. And thankfully I was blessed to be able to feed them both right after they were born!

It can be both overwhelming  and frustrating at times. Imagine you are all drenched in your own milk. You are feeding the baby from one side and the other side starts leaking. This was one thing I hated the most. And so I had to find a solution for it, obviously I googled, googled and googled. And strangely I found out that most of the new moms have this problem and there are something called ‘Breast pads’ that do solve this leakage problem. This was how I was introduced to breast pads. And since then I’ve used ’em with both my kids.

After checking out a few other brands I settled with this one. The  Mothercare disposable breast pads. So here’s my review for all the new moms so you don’t have to struggle like I did. 🙂

Price: 80 pads for Rs. 400/- which I think is considerable.

I bought this from a nearby Mothercare store. I don’t think they stock it any more. But you can find it online.


What I like:

  • They are super-soft and comfortable.
  • They come with a waterproof lining.
  • The price is affordable.
  • It prevents chapping of nipple, which is the worst thing that can happen especially when you are exclusively breastfeeding.
  • Since these are disposables pads, there’s  no issue of washing and re-washing.

What I don’t like:

  • It’s not available in many of the Mothercare stores, not at least in Hyderabad. And I think they too often run ‘out of stock’ online so make sure you grab your when ever they are available.

My Rating: 4/5

My Verdict: A product worth-buying for all the mothers who breastfeed exclusively or partially. This can very well come to your rescue during late pregnancy, just prior to that pop. 🙂

Which brand have you used? or do you have a product that you want me to review? Write ’em down in the comments section below. I would love to read them!

GoodLuck  Mommies!

Family Fever

One thought on “Mothercare Disposable Breast pads Review

  1. Pingback: Pigeon Disposable Breast pads Review | hfareen's space

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